How To Take Action
Below is a list of concrete examples of individuals and communities challenging gender-based violence from MenChallenging members and other folks, including original in-depth Case Studies of actions taken by MenChallenging member and others - your very own How-To Guides!
Case Studies
Actions We Love
Stop Telling Women To Smile by Tatyana Fazlalizadeh
Stop Telling Women to Smile is an art series by Tatyana Fazlalizadeh. The work attempts to address gender based street harassment by placing drawn portraits of women, composed with captions that speak directly to offenders, outside in public spaces.
"The G Word" - On-line project with people sharing experiences with gender norms and gender violence
Subscribe to Button! New video daily: If you loved this poem, check out Melissa Newman-Evans: Performing for New Orleans during the 2014 National Poetry Slam. Follow Button on Facebook: About Button: Button Poetry is committed to developing a coherent and effective system of production, distribution, promotion and fundraising for spoken word and performance poetry.